Russian doctor reveals beneficial properties of kvass

Regular consumption of kvass (a traditional fermented Slavic and Baltic beverage commonly made from rye bread) can have a positive effect on digestion and skin condition, Russian endocrinologist and nutritionist Tatyana Bocharova told RIA Novosti, Report informs.

"Kvass is rich in B vitamins. The body doesn’t accumulate them, so you need to get them with food. When vitamin B is lacking, inflammation occurs on the skin - it becomes oily; hair splits, dandruff appears,” the doctor said.

She added that the lack of B vitamins manifests itself in increased fatigue, memory impairment, irritability, and other problems with the nervous system.

In addition, kvass contains a lot of vitamins E, A, ascorbic acid. Moreover, it contains lactic and acetic acids that quickly quench thirst.

“Since the drink is obtained by fermentation, in moderate doses - one cup or 0.3 liters - it increases appetite, cleanses the intestines, and has a positive effect on digestion,” Bocharova said.

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