Pfizer: Revaccination can reinforce protection against delta strain

The third dose of the coronavirus vaccine can help strengthen protection against the delta strain, the Pfizer company said in a statement, Report informs, citing

The third dose seriously enhances the titers of neutralization of the delta variant. The estimated potential is an increase of up to 100 times in neutralization of the delta variant after the administration of the third dose, the company says.

In addition, after re-vaccination in people aged 18 to 55 years, the number of antibodies increases more than five times, and eleven times in those aged 65 to 85 years.

Earlier, a professor at the School of Systems Biology at George Mason University, Doctor of Biological Sciences Ancha Baranova, said that data on the possibility of new mutations based on the "delta" strain of coronavirus would be obtained around the beginning of next year.

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