PACE adopts resolution on COVID-19 passport

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) has adopted a resolution entitled "COVID-19 certificates: protection of fundamental rights and legal implications," the local Bureau of Report informs.

The document states that the number of countries that have decided to apply for the COVID-19 passport has increased.

"PACE is concerned that the different treatment of each person in the issuance of the passports may lead to discrimination and thus adversely affect human rights and freedoms. Therefore, PACE recommends that COVID 19 passport system must be based on a clear legal basis and comprehensive guarantees to protect personal information."

The resolution also said that once the pandemic is over, strict controls should be established to ensure that information in the system is not misused. Moreover, the measures taken when issuing COVID-19 passports must be carried out under the Council of Europe's legal norms on personal data and personal life. "

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