Oncologist names most common types of cancer in men & women

A specialist at the Russian Ministry of Healthcare, Andrei Kaprin, has named the most common cancer types in men and women, Report informs.

The doctor noted that most often, men are diagnosed with cancer of the trachea and bronchi. According to statistics, prostate cancer ranks second, and skin cancer third. Moreover, Kaprin adds that it is common for men to develop tumors in the stomach and colon.

At the same time, the most common type of cancer in women is breast cancer. The doctor emphasizes that the second, third, and fourth places belong to skin cancer, uterus cancer, and colon tumor, respectively.

He noted that only in 15-20 percent of cases, cancer is a genetic predisposition. He said that in other cases, the lifestyle of patients affects the occurrence of malignant neoplasms.

Kaprin recommended that the students regularly undergo medical examinations, and reduce the risk factors affecting the development of tumors, namely, to exclude smoking and alcohol abuse. Besides, he advised to monitor weight and remove red meat from the diet.

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