Nutritionist reveals diet to prevent heart disease

Russian nutritionist Lidia Ionova has revealed the diet for the prevention of heart disease, Report informs.

The specialist noted that it is essential to follow a specific diet and not only refuse certain foods, to prevent ailments.

She said that to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, it is necessary to limit consumption of animal fats, reduce the amount of red meat consumption to twice a week, and exclude processed meat - sausages, ham, and wieners.

At the same time, it’s necessary to increase the amount of vegetables in the diet and eat fruits in moderation every day, she added.

The dietitian noted that polyunsaturated fatty acids also minimize the risk of heart disease.

"This can be flaxseed oil, nuts, seeds in moderation, and fatty fish in moderated amounts," explained Ionova.

At the same time, she clarified that river fish, for example, stellate sturgeon or sturgeon, are unsuitable in this sense.

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