Long naps may shorten lifespan

According to a new study from researchers at Guangzhou Medical University in China, a daily nap could increase death by 30%. They cautioned against taking a nap regularly, as this could have significant health consequences, Report says, citing RIA Novosti.

The scientists evaluated the relationship between naps and the risk of death from all causes and cardiovascular disease and found that naps longer than 60 minutes could prove potentially fatal. "A common opinion is that naps improve performance and counteract the negative consequences of 'lack of sleep.' Our study challenges these widely held views," said study lead author Dr. Zhe Pan.

Researchers analyzed more than 313,000 participant records from more than 20 studies. They found that naps longer than an hour was associated with a 30% increased risk of death from any cause and a 34% increase in the likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease, compared to no naps.

However, long naps were only associated with a high risk of death in people who slept more than six hours a night. Researchers say that a day's sleep of any duration increases the risk of death by 19%.

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