Issue of illegal winemaking in Karabakh to be raised in int'l organizations

Chairman of the Azerbaijan Food Security Agency (APSA) Goshgar Tahmazli met with the Director-General of the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV), Pablo Roca Blasco.

Report informs that the ASBA Chairman provided detailed information on the development directions of viticulture and winemaking in Azerbaijan. The guest was also informed that for a long time, wines and other products were produced in the territories of Azerbaijan occupied by Armenia, which resorted to falsifications as to the country of origin and exported these wines to the EU countries.

Pablo Roca Blasco expressed confidence that fruitful cooperation has been established between Azerbaijan and the OIV and that these relations will develop positively in the coming years. The guest asked to provide official information to the organization he leads about the illegal production, sale, and export of wine and other products to the EU countries by Armenia. He noted that in connection with this issue, negotiations would be held with relevant international, and regional structures and organizations.

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