Hande Harmanci: There is no new way to fight Delta strain

"The existence of the Delta strain in Azerbaijan has already been confirmed. Everyone already knew that this variant would come to the country," the head of the World Health Organization (WHO) in Azerbaijan, Hande Harmanci, who is on a visit to Barda, told reporters.

Report informs that the WHO official said that the peculiarity of this version is that it spreads faster:

"Therefore, many people can get sick. There is no new way to fight the novel strain. The requirements are the same. It is indispensable to vaccinate. It is advisable to get one of the vaccines provided by the Azerbaijani government to citizens. On the other hand, it is necessary to follow the rules of hygiene."

According to the Ministry of Health, the State Agency for Compulsory Medical Insurance, and the Azerbaijani Management Union of Medical Territorial Units (TABIB), the next stage of the investigation revealed variant B.1.617 (Delta) in 31 samples taken from people who recently came from abroad. In 9 of the samples, variant B.1.1.7 (20 Alpha V1, UK) was detected.

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