Feel the energy of universe! Nine Senses celebrates International Day of Yoga and Summer Solstice

Today, the Nine Senses Art Center hosted an event dedicated to the International Day of Yoga and the Summer Solstice. The staff of the center literally immersed the guests in the world of various styles of yoga, so that both adults and children could form their intentions for the next six months through dance, unleashing desires.

Report informs via Media.az. The academic director of the center Natalya Zhukova noted that the date of the event was not chosen by chance, because June 21 is not only the summer solstice, but also the International Day of Yoga.

"This is the longest day of the year, and all the energy of the Universe is directed to the Earth. We feel these flows of energy of the earth, fertility and the sun. Therefore, it is on this date that the day of yoga is celebrated: a person realizes himself and feels that he lives life through the center of the Universe," she noted.

According to Natalya Zhukova, the Nine Senses art center was specifically created so that people can find their inner feeling there. "To this end, we have entire spectrum of meditation, yoga, dance therapy, bodily practices ... This is a holiday for our center too (smiles). We have amazing teachers who will help you master different types of yoga, including voice yoga, body practices related to improvisation. Nandan Gautam, a yogi from India, teaches classical yoga, and today he shares his knowledge for free," she said.

Natalya Zhukova noted that today the Center celebrates the lunar day through the practice of communication with the sun. For this, a psychologist, astrologer, body therapist Galina Khmelevskaya was invited, who also deals with psychosomatics - through the body she gives an understanding of the causes of diseases.

"Today she holds a ritual dedicated to the sun and shares her signature meditation. Next, there will be a lesson on the female practice of Shakti (this is a practice that aims to expand consciousness for disclosure and manifestation of potential - ed.), allowing you to reveal your inner goddess. This the practice consists of organic movements that women demonstrate by standing in a circle.At the same time, flowers and fruits are placed in the center.The event ends with a general meditation, and in the evening we will celebrate this day with a dance - Ecstatic Dance - together with Ilhama Babayeva and DJ Laman. Ilhama works with the vibration of the voice in the body. At this moment we manifest ourselves in this world. Thus, we release our desires and goals into space, because at this moment all the portals are open, the sun shines and shares its abundance with us, "said Natalya Zhukova.

Ecstatic Dance is a dance form in which the dancers, sometimes without having to follow certain steps, obey the rhythm and move freely to the music, resulting in a trance and a feeling of ecstasy.

Natalya Zhukova wished prosperity to the Nine Senses Art Center on this festive day: "It works so that people manifest themselves, revealing their inner creator, be conscious in collaboration with their body. People must understand that the body is a small part of us – the gigantic, beautiful, light beings."

She also added that it is not by chance that the sign "namaste" is used in yoga (the Indian and Nepalese greeting comes from the words "namah" - bow, "te" - to you.) Namaste as a gesture is a combination of two palms in front of you, it does not have a religious origin and means that I am the same as you.

Media.Az also observed the guru in yoga practice.

The first mentor was Nandan Gautam, who showed the practice of Artistic Yoga. In a conversation with Media.Az, Gautam noted that the International Day of Yoga is a good occasion to direct our attention to what people should do on a daily basis:

"Let me give you a simple example. When we celebrate mother's day, we give her flowers. But this does not mean at all that we should give them only on holidays. Such practices should be done daily."

According to him, in yoga you pay attention to what is closest to us. This is our body, our thoughts, our breath...

“Yoga is not dancing, not a subject that we need to learn, it is in some sense an art. Therefore, the International Day of Yoga is an opportunity to remind yourself of yourself. And the Nine Sense Center provides all the opportunities for this realization,” he said .

The children's yoga group was led by Agshin Huseynov, who expressed regret that this ancient practice for children is very poorly developed in Azerbaijan.

"I teach it to a certain number of children. But you must understand that yoga is necessary for the development of each child. Modern children spend a lot of time on phones and tablets, in their free time they study. They need proper physical activity. And yoga will insure them against various kinds of injuries. Besides, yoga allows a child to feel their body, love it and take care of it. This gives them self-confidence. Yoga is both emotional and physical health, " Huseynov said.

Agshin Huseynov is sure that when parents can understand what yoga is, they will be interested in their children starting to practice it. Such a session in Nine Sense is a great opportunity to get acquainted with this wonderful practice and popularize it in Azerbaijan, he concluded.

Meanwhile, astrologer and psychologist Galina Khmelevskaya presented a practice with her signature meditation. She gave each guest of the art center individual recommendations on their dates of birth, so that they could understand what actions were needed to raise their Shakti sun.

According to her, the sun is health, strength, courage, the ability to express yourself in society, declare yourself, achieve your goals.

June 21 is one of the four important days of the year when the summer solstice is celebrated. On such days we always sum up the intermediate results of the year. These are intense energy days when we can launch our desires and intentions. Because all the energy of the cosmos and the universe gives us strength and launches our desires. Therefore, it is on these days that it is important to conduct spiritual practices.

Today, energy of the sun is active, so on this day, it is important to raise your energy. I myself create various practices and meditations, which I conducted today in the center for our guests, - said Khmelevskaya.

Nine Senses is an art center for creativity and self-development - an impressive place on the shores of the Caspian Sea. The mission of the Center is to create a safe and harmonious public space for art lovers of all ages and professions. Here they believe in unleashing the creative and fun spirit within everyone.

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