Cheese in moderation may help you live longer, study says

Researchers from Texas A&M University discovered that these three kinds of cheese contain a chemical called spermidine, which helps prevent damaged liver cells from replicating.

That means that cheddar, brie, and Parmesan could potentially help prevent diseases such as liver fibrosis, a condition where scar tissue accumulates and damages the organ, often in liver cancer.

In the study, the effect of cheese supplements on mice was investigated.

The team found the mice’s life expectancy increased by a whopping 25 percent when they were given the supplement.

With these impressive results, scientists decided to then survey 800 Italians about their diets.

Those who reported a higher intake of spermidine were found to have lower blood pressure, a 40 percent lower risk of heart failure, and a reduced risk for other cardiovascular diseases.

Spermidine is also found in peas, corn, soybeans, and whole grains, healthier options.

The scientists did also note the importance of eating cheese in moderation, however.

The research looked into the effects of conjugated linoleic acid as a potential health benefit.

The study noted: “Conjugated linoleic acid (fatty acids found in cheese) has drawn significant attention since the 1980s for its various biological activities."

CLA has been shown to prevent the development of atherosclerosis, reduce body fat while improving lean body mass, and modulate immune and inflammatory responses.

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