CDC Director warns of ‘fourth wave’ of COVID

The director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention made an emotional plea to Americans on Monday to stay vigilant in the fight against COVID-19, warning of a potential fourth wave of the virus, and she felt repeatedly. “Immediate ruin” that said there was.

Report informs that speaking at the Virtual White House briefing, Dr. Rochelle Warrensky became emotional. She looked back on his experience treating a COVID-19 patient alone at the end of his life.

“We have a lot to look forward to, and there are many promises and possibilities of where we are, and many reasons for hope,” she said. “But I’m scared now.”

“I will lose the script, and I will look back on the repetitive feelings I have about the imminent ruin,” she said.

According to Warensky, virus cases increased by about 10% from the previous week to about 60,000 per day, increasing hospitalization and death.

Walensky and Dr. Anthony Fauci are the top infectious disease specialists in the United States. He urged elected officials, community leaders, and everyday Americans to maintain social distance measurements and masks.

“We are doing things prematurely,” Fauci said, citing a move to ease restrictions. Valensky appealed to the Americans, “Wait a little longer.”

“We are not helpless. We can change this trajectory of the pandemic,” she added.

Walensky pointed out increased travel and relaxation of virus restrictions for increased cases. “People want to do this, and I want to do it,” Warensky said.

“We’ve seen a surge after every holiday,” she reiterated: “For the time being, limit your travels to essential ones.”

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