Azerbaijan sends official appeal to WHO

An official appeal has been sent to the World Health Organization (WHO) to certify Azerbaijan as malaria-free, Report informs, citing the country’s Cabinet of Ministers.

The Cabinet of Ministers’ 2021 report noted that the comprehensive preventive measures taken last year in combating and preventing infectious diseases allowed to maintain the epidemiological stability achieved in the country.

"As in the developed countries of the world, in Azerbaijan, according to the vaccination agenda, children are protected from 11 infectious diseases through immunization. As a result of vaccination measures, stable dynamics have been achieved to reduce infections that can be vaccine-controlled. Thus, polio, diphtheria, pertussis, mumps, measles and rubella have not been registered in the country, and tetanus has occurred in isolated cases. As a result of large-scale medical and preventive measures implemented in the country, local malaria infection has not occurred for eight years,” the report said.

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