Western Azerbaijan Community issues statement on anti-Azerbaijani views of Lithuanian FM

“Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis made a number of anti-Azerbaijani statements at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe,” the Western Azerbaijan Community said in statement, Report informs.

“Lithuania's anti-Azerbaijani activities, which have become systematic, in particular, after the Great Patriotic War, are disgusting. With such inappropriate and arrogant statements as: "When I deem it necessary, I will make statements about cases of abuse in Azerbaijan", the Lithuanian minister makes a laughing stock of himself and his country. Unfortunately, today in the West there are many frivolous amateur politicians infected with the disease of Azerbaijanophobia, who do not understand the essence of what they are talking about, are far from thinking about statehood, whose capabilities are inversely proportional to their ambitions.

Lithuania, which massively and systematically violates the rights of national minorities on its territory and where there are cases of non-citizenship, has no right to teach Azerbaijan anything when it comes to human rights. Let Lithuania learn from Azerbaijan how different nations can live in harmony. Lithuania, along with France, the Netherlands and Canada, is one of the last countries that can “educate” Azerbaijan.

The Lithuanian minister, who is nostalgic for the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, should move to “real Lithuania”, since officials from Armenia, the country whose independence his country was the first to recognize, have, albeit in words, expressed their intention to move from “mythical Armenia” to “real Armenia”.

The fact that Landsbergis attributes the right of return only to ethnic Armenians is evidence of discrimination, bias and his “crusader mentality” towards more than a million Azerbaijanis, including Western Azerbaijanis, who were subjected to ethnic cleansing by Armenia.

As for the issue of denying entry to Azerbaijan to a handful of racist and corrupt members of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, it should be emphasized that Azerbaijan, as a sovereign state, has every right to such a ban. The Lithuanian minister's comments on this matter are unnecessary. This step serves to expose ethnic and religious discrimination against Azerbaijan and the Azerbaijani people, as well as to promote human rights,” the community added.

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