Vladanka Andreeva says UN ready to support construction work in Karabakh

Chairperson of the State Committee for Family, Women and Children Bahar Muradova met with the newly appointed UN Resident Coordinator in Azerbaijan Vladanka Andreeva.

The meeting aims to develop bilateral relations between the State Committee and the UN Office in Azerbaijan.

Welcoming the guests, Muradova congratulated Vladanka Andreeva on her new and important post and wished her success. She spoke about the successful results of long-term relations between Azerbaijan and the UN and its agencies. The chairperson of the Committee expressed confidence in further important work for our country in the field of cooperation.

The chairperson stressed the UN was the first international organization with which Azerbaijan cooperated after gaining independence. She added that today this organization also played a significant role in establishing peace in relations with Armenia. Noting that Armenia did not fulfill its obligations and did not submit mine maps, Bahar Muradova emphasized that this seriously hampered the construction work in the liberated territories.

The speech also noted that Azerbaijan is a practical and valuable partner in its relations with all international organizations of which it is a member. The country can implement the resolutions of an organization such as the UN on its own, based on its economic, political, and military capabilities, and this is a contribution to the organization's work:

"At present, there is a serious need for the restoration and construction of the liberated territories. Our state is carrying out this work within its capabilities, and I hope that the UN and its agencies will be very active in this process and contribute to this work."

She also suggested the development of new mechanisms to ensure the sustainability of projects implemented in cooperation with the UN, as well as their further expansion.

UN Resident Coordinator in Azerbaijan thanked Bahar Muradova for the warm welcome. Referring to the fundamental relations of the United Nations with Azerbaijan, she expressed confidence that the joint cooperation will continue successfully for the next five years.

Andreeva talked about the measures taken by the State Committee in the field of women's economic empowerment, gender equality, especially in the fight against domestic violence. She said that the UN is ready to provide both technical and financial support for the construction work in the liberated territories.

During the meeting, the Framework Document on Cooperation for Sustainable Development was discussed. The framework document defines the direction of strategic vision and cooperation with the UN Government of Azerbaijan for 2021-2025. The document envisages four priority areas for partnership, the fourth is to build a "society based on gender equality that empowers women and girls."

The meeting was also attended by Deputy Chairpersons of the State Committee Sadagat Gahramanova and Aynur Sofiyeva, Head of the Information and Analytical Research Department Elgun Safarov, Head of the Foreign Relations and Protocol Service Farid Adilov, Partnership and Development Finance Specialist Shams Mustafayeva.

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