US House of Representatives declines anti-Azerbaijani amendments

The House of Representatives of the US Congress did not accept the anti-Azerbaijani amendments proposed by the pro-Armenian congressmen to the country's draft defense budget for the 2023 fiscal year.

The National Defense Authority Act (NDAA), which includes an $858 billion defense budget, received 350 votes, US Bureau of Report said.

Pro-Armenian congressmen - Democrats Adam Schiff, Frank Pellon, Judy Chu and Republican Gus Bilirakis voted against the document.

Under current rules, the bill must pass a vote in the US Senate, and then be submitted to the signature of the president.

Two amendments to the country's draft defense budget for fiscal year 2023 were proposed by pro-Armenian Democratic congressmen Robert Menendez and Alex Padilla, and 5 amendments were proposed by Jackie Speyer, Frank Pellon, Adam Schiff and Tony Cardenas. Amendments No. 682 and No. 724 contained a ban on US assistance to Azerbaijan.

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