UN Resident Coordinator: Azerbaijan has been quite successful in narrowing many gender gaps

Baku. 21 November. REPORT.AZ/ While Azerbaijan has been quite successful in narrowing many gender gaps over the past decades, challenges remain in a number of areas that require prompt action of the government and the support of the international community.

Report informs, United Nations Resident Representative Ghulam Isaczai told in his speech at the event 'Towards sustainable development: Let’s say no to violence against women'.

According to him, the country is still having highly skewed sex ratios at birth, and many women have limited economic opportunities. He also expressed disappointment on that there are not sufficient shelters and support centers for the victims of gender-based violence.

According to Isaczai, the Sustainable Development Goals, which includes specific targets on ending violence against women offer a unique opportunity to address structural inequalities and concentrate on prevention, protection, and promotion of these issues.

Finally, Isaczai expressed thanks to the State Committee on Family, Women and Children Affairs and other institutions in putting together this campaign and hopes that efforts will continue until total elimination of all forms of violence against women and girls in this country and around the world.

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