Umud Mirzoyev: Various forces hindering Azerbaijan-Armenia peace

Various international forces are hindering peace between Azerbaijan and Armenia, Umud Mirzoyev, president of the International Eurasia Press Fund, said at a round table on "Civil society against ideological attacks aimed at national and spiritual values" in Baku, Report informs.

He noted that Azerbaijan has put an end to the existence of the separatist regime in its territories.

"Armenia, in turn, is in no hurry to sign a peace agreement. On the contrary, this state is building up its military power. Various countries are conducting joint exercises with Armenia, which clearly indicates that some forces are not interested in establishing peace in the region," he said.

According to Mirzoyev, ideological pressure on Azerbaijan is also a manifestation of this trend: "In the fight against such pressure, a key role should belong not only to the media, but also to civil society. Our goal is to achieve a just peace."

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