Ukrainian MP: Armenia's vandalism acts in Karabakh destroyed history

"Ukraine has always been a friend of Azerbaijan and supported its territorial integrity," Volodymyr Kreydenko, a member of Ukraine's ruling party, told Report.

First of all, he noted that today's Independence Day of Ukraine is a return to nationality, and in Ukraine, this holiday is celebrated with ceremonial parades and national traditions.

According to Kreydenko, historically friendly relations between Azerbaijan and Ukraine will be further strengthened in the future:

"Ukraine has always been a supporter of Azerbaijan. There are many people from Azerbaijan here and the attitude of our local population to them is good. There are even people around me who are interested in the Azerbaijani language. They are in constant contact with the Azerbaijani diaspora. However, the Azerbaijani language is not so popular here. Certain steps must be taken to popularize this language."

The public figure said that Azerbaijanis often visit Ukraine: "Our citizens rarely come to Azerbaijan. It is necessary to promote it and reduce travel prices in terms of strengthening tourism ties. If a visit to Karabakh is organized, many Ukrainian citizens will want to come there. I have been to Azerbaijan twice and loved Azerbaijani cuisine, Baku, Seaside Boulevard, and historical monuments. The Ukrainian people love to eat and walk. Therefore, if the publication is substantial, the traffic will be even stronger."

He also spoke about the restoration of Azerbaijan's territorial integrity and the destruction of historical monuments in the liberated territories:

"This historic victory is the clearest example that justice has been served. In the following process, everyone will see how Azerbaijan has restored its historical lands. Monuments may be restored, but the past is difficult to repair. Armenia's vandalism acts in Karabakh have destroyed history. For this reason, the destruction of historical monuments is unacceptable."

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Flag Square inaugurated in Shusha 19 September, 2024 / 16:58