Turkish MP: Elections in Azerbaijan cannot be anti-democratic

Parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan take place in compliance with all the rules of the electoral law, Report informs, citing Turkish parliamentarian, member of the Turkey-Azerbaijan Inter-Parliamentary Friendship Group Yunus Kılıç.

"Over 800 observers from 56-57 countries and international organizations, plus nearly 77,000 local observers, came to monitor elections in Azerbaijan. With this in mind, elections in Azerbaijan cannot be anti-democratic. It is impossible to deceive so many eyes. The Azerbaijani authorities are confident about elections. So they have invited such a high number of observers," he said.

The parliamentarian noted that he had visited many polling stations with his colleagues, where he witnessed compliance with all the rules of the electoral law and international standards.

"Otherwise, people would not have cast their votes. We saw this hope in people. We believe that these elections will help Azerbaijan become an even more prosperous country, for the benefit of its citizens and its economic and political power."

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