TRT Deutsch on pollution of Azerbaijani rivers by Armenia

The German Cronimet Holding GmbH has polluted the Okhchuchay River, which originates in Armenia and flows through the territory of Azerbaijan, with industrial waste, Report informs.

An influential German portal, TRT Deutsch, prepared a reportage from Azerbaijan's Zangilan district liberated from Armenian occupation.

Reporter Rana Taskoparan notes concern about the pollution of Azerbaijan's water resources, particularly the Okhchuchay River.

The reportage says that Cronimet Holding is actively involved in the mining industry in Armenia, thereby polluting the Okhchuchay River with industrial waste. The water samples taken from the river revealed an unacceptable amount of heavy metals - copper, molybdenum, manganese, iron, zinc, and chromium.

The presenter emphasizes that the company is headquartered in the German city of Karlsruhe and is the main shareholder of Zangezur Copper-Molybdenum Combine, the largest taxpayer in Armenia with a 60 percent share.

TRT Deutsch notes that the pollution of the Okhchuchay River by the Armenian mining industry is gradually turning from a regional problem into a global one. The pollution level is on the brink of a humanitarian disaster. The high concentration of heavy metals in the water causes mass death of fish and makes the river's water unsafe for domestic and agricultural needs. It attracts the attention of the region's countries, given that the pollution of the Okhchuchay River directly affects the quality of the Araz River, the second largest in the South Caucasus.

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