Timur Kozyrev: Azerbaijan's cooperation with Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan will have great effect

Azerbaijan-Kazakhstan-Uzbekistan cooperation in a tripartite format can have a great geopolitical effect, Timur Kozyrev, an expert of the International Turkic Academy, said at the round table on bilateral relations between Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan, Report informs.

“We talked a lot about Azerbaijan's cooperation with Central Asia, and these three countries are the basis of this cooperation,” he said.

According to the expert, such relations have great prospects for the development of transport corridors: “Kazakhstan has access to Russia and China, while Azerbaijan has close relations with Türkiye. Uzbekistan is located in the heart of Central Asia. In addition, we are waiting for the opening of the Zangazur corridor, which will create even more opportunities.”

According to Kozyrev, everyone should think about the joint potential of the three states.

“At the initial stage, this cooperation could be discussed within expert platforms, and then everything will depend on how the idea of creating such a format will be promoted,” the expert concluded.

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