Summit participant: Youth can contribute to solution of global challenges

Young people come together to talk about global challenges, such as the war between Russia and Ukraine, Moyama Lassana Dunor, a delegate of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) Youth Network from Liberia, a participant in the NAM Youth Summit in Baku, told Report.

She noted that youth can contribute to the solution of global challenges.

"We believe that our contribution can be to find a way to solve these problems,” she said, adding that such events also help get new skills.

The NAM Youth Summit started its work in Baku today. Participants of the event from more than 60 countries of the organization will hold discussions on the topic "Mission, vision, values ​​and strategic priorities of the Youth Network of the Non-Aligned Movement", as well as take part in sessions on the simulation of the model of the Non-Aligned Movement, and visit the city of Shusha. The summit will end on July 29.

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