Slovak media find link between Viktor Orban’s companies and Russia’s Sberbank

Budapest is deliberately sabotaging the disconnection of Russia’s Sberbank from SWIFT, because Sberbank has close ties to companies of Hungarian oligarchs close to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, Report informs referring to the Slovak website

Accounts of Hungarian companies that implement joint projects with Russian ones are opened in this bank, according to the report.

These companies specialize in natural gas trading, production of railway cars, transport services, logistics, nuclear energy and construction. Among the mentioned names of the oligarchs are István Garancsi and László Szíjj, who are in the close circle of the current prime minister.

Viktor Orban also opposes the inclusion on the EU sanctions list of two Russian oligarchs from Putin’s entourage: Kantor and Gref. He is also against proposed sanctions against Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill, explaining that he is generally opposed to sanctions against religious leaders.

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