Shvydkoy: Azerbaijan is an important strategic partner for us

"The Baku-Moscow: Dialogue of Cultures conference held in Baku shows the level and nature of relations between Azerbaijan and Russia," Special Representative of the Russian President for International Cultural Cooperation Mikhail Shvydkoy said.

"Today's conference is of great importance. I have to say that 10 years ago, the first such conference served as the beginning of the Baku forum. It acquired greater importance on the international agenda, not only in bilateral but also in multilateral relations since it has turned into an event of global significance," Shvydkoy said.

Shvydkoy noted that the forum held in Baku covers not only issues of humanitarian cooperation, but also the economy, education, science, and other spheres.

"Of course, today, we regard Azerbaijan as an important strategic partner in the Caucasus. We have big plans. We don't need to show and prove that we love each other," he concluded.

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