Shvabe's biased stance an integral part of West's, especially Brussels', game against Azerbaijan, MP says

The biased position of German parliament member Frank Shvabe is an integral part of the game the West, especially Brussels, is playing against Azerbaijan, according to Konul Nurullayeva, a member of Azerbaijan's a 6th convocation Milli Majlis.

Nurullayeva stated that Shvabe's accusations of Azerbaijan not being interested in Council of Europe (CoE) membership and allegedly "not being faithful to the organization's values" are completely baseless.

"Shvabe still refuses to abandon his biased stance. This is essentially a component of the West's, particularly Brussels', game against Azerbaijan. France and Germany use clowns like Shvabe," she said.

The MP emphasized that such aggressive rejection is connected to Azerbaijan's historic victory under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev. Supporters of Armenia cannot stomach this great victory - their main intention was to create a second Armenian state in the South Caucasus. But Azerbaijan thwarted these plans and restored its territorial integrity through the 44-day Patriotic War and September anti-terrorist operations.

"As President Ilham Aliyev himself said, we have moved large layers. Therefore, the pressure on Azerbaijan has increased. Of course, this pressure does not and will not yield any results," she declared.

Nurullayeva stressed that arming Armenia and increasing economic support to this country is essentially a reaction to Azerbaijan's victory and success: "The West should not forget that it is impossible to achieve anything in the South Caucasus without taking into account the legitimate interests of Azerbaijan. Shvabe's stupid statements about not being invited as an observer to the September 1 parliamentary elections are also related to the biased and hypocritical policy towards Azerbaijan."

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