Safar Karakoyunlu: Ilham Aliyev supported Turkey with his speech

"The ties of friendship and brotherhood between Azerbaijan and Turkey last for years and centuries. Ataturk said that Azerbaijan's grief and happiness are our own, and Heydar Aliyev said, 'We are one nation, two states,'" Safar Karakoyunlu, head of the Istanbul Turkish-Azerbaijani Association, told Report.

According to him, the views expressed by President Ilham Aliyev during the reception of the newly appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Greece to Azerbaijan were met with great satisfaction and applause by the Turkish people. This speech was generous support to Turkey in the sensitive days. This move by Ilham Aliyev was a continuation of the policy of support between Turkey and Azerbaijan for centuries. Be sure that this warm and sincere relationship is reciprocal. The two fraternal countries, which have strong foundations, show that they are close to each other in all conditions, and today there are two friendly brotherly nations united by strong ties.

Karakoyunlu said it was not the first time that President Ilham Aliyev had taken such a commendable step. "He has always stood by Turkey and its people on international platforms with his intelligence and excellent approach."

"Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in his speech that Karabakh is our national cause. We are a nation, not in words, in deeds, and we complement each other. Today, Azerbaijan makes all decisions in the region with Turkey in mind, and we follow the same policy. We believe that these bonds will become more robust with each passing day. Long live the solidarity and brotherhood of Azerbaijan and Turkey! " said the association's head.

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