Russian channel: Political crisis started in Armenia

The Russian RBC channel has prepared a special report from the liberated Azerbaijani territories, Report informs.

A special report by RBC journalist Artem Potemkin tells about how Azerbaijan lives after the 44-day war which ended in victory, what events are taking place in post-war Karabakh, and also touches upon fragments from the press conference of President Ilham Aliyev for representatives of local and foreign media.

"The Karabakh conflict ended almost four months ago. And while a political crisis began in Armenia during this time, the Azerbaijani society, on the contrary, has come together. A large Victory Park is being built in the center of Baku to exhibit the trophy equipment seized from the Armenian forces. The whole republic has inscriptions ‘Karabakh is Azerbaijan!’" the report says.

The journalist also spoke about the press tours to Karabakh organized by the Azerbaijani government for foreign journalists: "Media representatives from Europe, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine and even Japan are shown ... cities, or rather what is left of them. For the last 30 years, no one has lived in them, and these territories were used as a security belt ... But soon, Baku assures, everything will change and a peaceful life will return to these lands."

At a press conference for foreign media representatives, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev answered a journalist’s question about the Lachin corridor and how the passage through it will be carried out: "When Russian peacekeepers incomprehensibly allow for a secret passage of foreigners to Nagorno-Karabakh, it causes our bewilderment. We have agreed with the Russian side that foreigners can visit there only with our permission. But this agreement is being violated. We practically know the names of people coming and going there. In general, the integration of Khankandi and other territories where the Armenian population now lives is an inevitable process. Our strength will only increase, including of the population. Meanwhile, Armenia will continue to weaken without cooperation."

The Russian journalist further tells about the monastery in the Lachin district, about the fact that since the beginning of the Karabakh conflict, representatives of the Albanian-Udi community has visited this monastery for the second time to perform a divine service: "According to them, the ancient temple dates back to the 6th century and is called Agoglan. The Armenian crosses on the walls belong to the modern period."

Deputy Director of the Albanian-Udi Christian Community Rafik Danakari says: "We, the Udin Albanians, adopted Christianity in the first century. Our apostles are one of the 12 disciples, Saint Bartholomew and Equal-to-the-Apostle Elijah (Elias)... For almost thirty years we wre unable to visit monasteries and churches that were under occupation."

To the journalist’s question ‘Is it possible for Armenians to come here and join the divine services?’ Danakari replies: ‘We are all brothers in Christ, and we don’t tell the Armenians - do not come, do not pray. But they should know that this is the Albanian-Udi church.’

Further, the report provides an excerpt from the press conference of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, where the head of state speaks about Christian monuments in the liberated territories: "As for the Christian sites – religious and cultural – on the territory that has been liberated, no-one should have any doubts that they will be adequately protected. In fact, Armenian pilgrims can freely visit the ancient Albanian temple of Khudavang, which is located in Kalbajar district."

Upon arrival in the Fuzuli district, the journalist notices such a fact that ‘when leaving, the Armenians left hundreds of mines in the ground. Therefore, you can only move along the paved path, a step to the left or a step to the right can be fatal. News about new victims is still coming from Karabakh. People are blown up in the fields... Demining of this territory, through which the future road to Shusha will run, began at the end of 2020."

At the first stage, Azerbaijan intends to allocate more than $1 billion for the restoration of Karabakh, the journalist notes. Three new airports will be built on the territory of Karabakh - in Zangilan, Lachin and Fuzuli districts. The work began in January, and the first stage, in particular, this runway, is expected to be completed by the beginning of autumn.

The journalist also talks about the 55-kilometer high-speed highway under construction from the future airport to Shusha, which was called the Victory Road: "It was in this direction that the Azerbaijani army was advancing. Foundation of a new power plant was laid in Fuzuli, which will provide energy to several districts.’

Talking about Fuzuli, the journalist compares it to the scenery for the disaster film: "For 30 years, trees have grown in destroyed houses. We see the first village that was inhabited - Boyuk Taglar - only in the mountains. Before the conflict, under the Soviet Union, Karabakh Armenians and Azerbaijanis lived here together. In the early 90s, the Azerbaijanis were expelled from here, and in November 2020 they again regained these lands."

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