Round table on NATO-Azerbaijan cooperation was organized by Embassy of Romania in Baku

Baku. 10 November. REPORT.AZ/ On November 10, 2015 Embassy of Romania, which fulfills the mandate of NATO Contact Point Embassy to the Republic of Azerbaijan for the fourth time in a row, organized a round table on NATO-Azerbaijan cooperation, Report was informed by the Embassy of Romania in Azerbaijan.

At the roundtable took part officials of the North Atlantic Alliance, ambassadors, senior diplomats and military attaches from embassies of NATO countries in Baku. A team of international military experts also attended.

Opening the event Ambassador of Romania Daniel Cristian Ciobanu highlighted the strategic character of the relations between North Atlantic Alliance and Baku. In the field of public diplomacy NATO-Azerbaijan partnership is actively developing. Embassy of Romania in Baku organized last two months several events, including a NATO presentation stand at EuroVillage festival, a roundtable on NATO-Azerbaijan relations with participation of civilian and military representatives of NATO Liaison Office for South Caucasus and a workshop together with Organization of Integration of Azerbaijani Youth to Europe - AGAT. A special attention is paid by the Embassy to increasing public awareness about NATO and the benefits of NATO-Azerbaijan cooperation. Romania, which has been the second country in the world to recognize Azerbaijan’s independence, will further support the development of NATO-Azerbaijan partnership.

Pavel Anastasov from NATO Headquarters made an in-depth presentation of the main elements of NATO’s training and education programs.

During the round table the participants approached aspects of joint interest regarding NATO-Azerbaijan relationship.

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