Representative of Russian Orthodox Church: Attempts to create religious discord in Azerbaijan will not work

Economic prosperity is observed in Azerbaijan, and the country is open to the whole world, said the representative of the Russian Orthodox Church, Konstantin Pominov, Report informs.

"Azerbaijan has achieved no less in foreign policy. It is ready for dialogue with all countries. Under the leadership of our Commander-in-Chief, Mr. President Ilham Aliyev, Azerbaijan has restored its territorial integrity. Azerbaijan is pursuing a tolerant and multicultural policy. Since Azerbaijan became an independent state, there has not been a single conflict on the religious level. There is mutual understanding and cooperation between the country's religious communities," he stressed.

According to Pominov, religious tolerance united Azerbaijan with different ethnic compositions as a whole: "This irritates some forces. The fact that Azerbaijan is developing day by day worries some people. I just don't understand one thing, what they wanted to show with this act of vandalism. I am interested in why Great Britain, which pokes its nose into Syria, Iraq, and other countries and judges Islam and ordinary believers there, feeds the terrorist organizations that are right under its very nose. It's true, it's not my business, it's politics."

He said that attempts to create religious discord in Azerbaijan would not work: "These are meaningless. Everyone can come and see that mosques, churches, and synagogues are open in Azerbaijan. Entry to every religious center is free. Everyone can worship whatever religion they want. Again, besides, we not only practice religion freely, but we also make friends and fellowship and do our best to make our country prosperous and happy."

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