Reportage about Shusha aired on Mexican television

An interview with Ambassador Mammad Talibov done by well-known Mexican journalist Federico Lamont, who visited our liberated territories, in Shusha on the situation in the region was aired on the "Once Noticias" program of the Mexican state television Canal Once.

In the interview, the ambassador said that Shusha, founded by Panah Ali Khan, was of special geopolitical, historical, and cultural significance for Azerbaijan, adding that the city's liberation was of great importance for every Azerbaijani.

The program stressed that reconstruction and restoration work was being carried out in liberated territories, which had been under occupation for nearly 30 years and subjected to Armenian vandalism. It stated that the most critical goals laying ahead of Azerbaijan are to reconstruct the residential infrastructure of these areas and ensure the safe return of Azerbaijani IDPs to their homes.

Then it was reported that Armenia carried out mass mining in the liberated areas, as well as the complete destruction of civilian infrastructure in the occupied territories and that Azerbaijan is currently working to clear those areas of mines.

Answering the correspondent's question about the famous Azerbaijani poet Khurshidbanu Natavan, who defeated the famous French writer Alexandre Dumas in chess, the ambassador said that she was the daughter of the last Karabakh khan, and many prominent Azerbaijani personalities like Khurshidbanu Natavan were born in Shusha. Like many cultural monuments, the interview noted with regret that the palace of Natavan Khan gizi was subjected to Armenian vandalism.

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