Professor of Turkish University: ADR was of great importance for entire Turkic world

Baku. 16 May. REPORT.AZ/ International conference in connection with the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic is being held in Baku.

Report informs, at the event, organized by the Center for Strategic Studies under the President of Azerbaijan, experts from Azerbaijan, as well as Russia, Turkey and a number of other countries participate.

Professor of the Turkish University Balikesir Sebahattin Şimşir, who addressed at the conference, noted that " Turkey followed the formation of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic with great interest and trepidation."

"Its existence was of great importance for the entire Turkic world," he added.

The conference participants discuss Azerbaijan's role and place in regional processes at the beginning of the 20th century, the emergence of the first democratic republic in the Muslim East and the legacy that it left to future generations.

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