President: Turkish-Azerbaijani brotherhood important factor for region, world

“The Turkish-Azerbaijani brotherhood is the main vector for our peoples. This is a very important factor for the region and for the world. This is a factor of security, trust and stability,” Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev said during his speech at the TEKNOFEST Azerbaijan festival, Report informs.

“The more confidently Turkiye and Azerbaijan march together, the stronger peace and tranquility will be in our region. We and the whole world saw this during the Second Karabakh War. Turkiye was next to us. What my dear brother Erdogan said in the first hours of the war that “Azerbaijan is not alone, Turkiye is next to Azerbaijan” gave us additional strength. The Azerbaijani people will never forget this. We have a bright history, and at the most important moments of our history we were together.

I remember that at the military parade dedicated to the liberation of Baku from the Armenian occupation, Turkish and Azerbaijani soldiers marched shoulder to shoulder on Azadliq Square. We saw a repetition of this at the Victory Parade in 2021. After our historic victory, we again, together with my dear brother, took part in the parade on Azadliq Square with the participation of Turkish and Azerbaijani military,” the president added.

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