President Ilham Aliyev: Azerbaijan cannot forget about 30 years of occupation

"We cannot take out of the context today’s situation in Karabakh or our communications with the Armenian community there, and just forget about the thirty years of occupation, forget about that the territory equal to the territory of Lebanon is totally in ruins, and that was done not by aliens," said Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev as he addressed a plenary session on “Moving Mountains? Building Security in the South Caucasus,” Report informs via AZERTAC.

“That was done by our neighbors who came, occupied our land, made a million Azerbaijanis homeless, destroyed 65 out of 67 mosques, desecrated them. And then, when we kick them out, they now plea for justice. They accuse us of occupation. Those who occupied us for 30 years,” the head of state noted.

“And also one thing is also should not be forgotten that the trilateral declaration of November 2020, which Prime Minister referred, actually de-facto is the capitulation act by Armenia,” President Ilham Aliyev added.

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