President: Azerbaijan will defend international law in its actions

"As you know, when we assumed this honorable mission of chairmanship in the Non-Aligned Movement, I said that Azerbaijan will in its actions, in its steps defend international law and justice," President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev said as he received credentials of the newly appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Indonesia Hildi Hamid, Report informs referring to AzerTag.

"We are particularly grateful for the continuous support demonstrated by Indonesia to Azerbaijan during the years of occupation. Indonesia always joined supportive resolutions adopted by the United Nations General Assembly and also the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Non-Aligned Movement supporting the just cause of Azerbaijan. That was demonstrated throughout many years, and it strengthened our position and strengthened the process of creation of a very solid legal base for settlement of the conflict," Ilham Aliyev said.

"During the conflict, your government expressed support to Azerbaijan. We highly value that. Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement in support of the implementation of the United Nations Security Council resolutions, which demanded immediate, unconditional, and full withdrawal of Armenian occupational forces from the territories of Azerbaijan. So, we are very grateful for that. Moreover, the parliament of your country, many members of parliament expressed solidarity with and support for Azerbaijan. This is known to the Azerbaijani people and is highly appreciated by the government of Azerbaijan," Ilham Aliyev noted.

"Indonesia was among other members of the Non-Aligned Movement during the discussions in the United Nations, which strongly supported our position during the time of the war. As you know, some members of the Security Council wanted to start the process of adopting new resolutions and decisions. And actually, that was an attempt to stop us from just cause of the liberation of the territories. And those attempts and wording of those planned steps did not embrace the reference to the Security Council resolutions adopted by the countries, members of the Security Council. So, Indonesia, together with other friendly countries, members of the Non-Aligned Movement, actually blocked this attempt to stop us from the restoration of our territorial integrity, and we highly value that. We are grateful for that. This is a demonstration of solidarity, support, and friendship. So, this is a political basis of our cooperation," the head of state said.

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