Party fighting for independence of Corsica thanks Azerbaijan for its support

Turkish Haber Global TV channel has prepared a reportage from the island of Corsica, which is a French colony, Report informs.

The reportage specifically touched on the struggle against French colonialism.

It was noted that dissatisfaction with the French authorities is growing on the island, and the population is standing up for independence: "The killing of Ivan Colonna, the hero of those who fought for independence on the island, while he was in prison in 2022, caused serious dissatisfaction. French President Emmanuel Macron tried to use the autonomy card to quell the protests. But the protesters said that autonomy is not enough."

Eric Simoni, a member of the Nazione Party fighting for the independence of Corsica, said that Paris's proposal on autonomy was not enough for them: "France will not grant independence to Corsica. Therefore, we are far from what we asked for. We will continue to work for a real political solution."

Simoni emphasized that the French government may be behind Colonna's death: "This is not the first such step against Corsica by the Elysée Palace or its affiliated powers. They use all means, including political pressure, to deny the existence of our people. French President Emmanuel Macron is acting contrary to the basic principles of both his country and the European Union. Macron is trying to teach democracy to other countries. But he does not recognize the right of Corsica to decide its own destiny. Moreover, this is a right recognized by the EU. Macron's steps are a totalitarian approach. We cannot accept this. His efforts to solve the problems are a disaster and do not contribute to anything."

The reportage also highlighted that members of the party, Anto Simoni and Nicolas Pinzutti, were accused of terrorism and taken to Paris: "Although they fight for freedom, they face obstacles every time."

Simoni also said that their struggle will continue: "We use the opportunities provided by international law. We thank countries like Azerbaijan that help our voice be heard."

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