Chair of Parliament Committee: 'Due to support by Azerbaijan, Georgia's independence strengthened'

Tbilisi. 16 March. REPORT.AZ/ 'As a result of close support by Azerbaijan, demand of Georgia for natural gas has almost been fully met. It also means strengthening our independence. We appreciate it'.

Zurab Tkemaladze, Head of the Georgia-Azerbaijan inter-parliamentary friendship group of Georgian Parliament, Chairman of Economic Commission said in his interview to Report News Agency.

Committee Chairman said: 'Large-scale projects, carried out in the field of joint cooperation of Azerbaijan and Georgia in the South Caucasus, play great role in growth of our international reputation as well as strengthening our position in the region. We will not forget care, support by Azerbaijan to Georgia'.

The chairman emphasized Azerbaijan is a close friend and strategic partner of Georgia in the South Caucasus.

According to the group chair, friendship groups play an important role in the development of inter-parliamentary relations.

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