Peter Tase: Active engagement of Baku in Multilateral Organizations promote economic prosperity

The Republic of Azerbaijan has pursued a well-structured agenda of Multilateral Diplomacy. The admirable leadership of the President of Azerbaijan, H. E. Mr. Ilham Aliyev, has made possible the accomplishment of impressive, positive projects and outcomes.

Report informs, American political scientist, an expert in international relations Peter Tase said.

"As we monitor the very active engagement of Baku in Multilateral Organizations including the UN, NATO, and the Non-Aligned Movement; many economic and cultural projects have been executed over the last two years; such projects have delivered a greater standard of living among the people of Azerbaijan and promote economic prosperity in the country and Europe.

Azerbaijan is the only country in the world that has afforded a three-decades-long armed conflict with fascist Armenian Forces and its terrorist political leadership; while simultaneously developing cutting edge strategic projects in the fields of: renewable energy, pipeline construction, and commodities supply, reinvigorated the tourism industry (and strengthened cultural tourism, bird watching, and religious tourism) in the Autonomous Republic of Nakhchivan.
Baku has embraced advanced measures of transparency in public offices and invested large resources in economic diplomacy and agriculture technology. Furthermore, the President of Azerbaijan, H. E. Mr. Ilham Aliyev, has promoted Azerbaijan's close partnership with the South American Countries of Paraguay, Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, and Chile.

Over the last decade, President Aliyev has reformed the Foreign Policy of Azerbaijan and increased the diplomatic presence of the Government of Azerbaijan in this part of the world and Asia and Africa. The opening of the new embassy of Azerbaijan in Havana, Cuba, is a tremendous achievement of Azerbaijan's Foreign Policy.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan will have a greater presence in the Caribbean Islands and Central America region; this will be a magnificent opportunity for Azerbaijan to introduce its advanced offshore drilling technology and expertise in chemical - petroleum engineering.

As we commemorate the XII Anniversary of the Baku Process, the international experts can widely observe the admirable accomplishments of the Government of Azerbaijan in the fields of Cultural Diplomacy, Multilateral Diplomacy, Economic Integration processes in Europe supported by Azerbaijan. Strategic projects financed by the Government of Azerbaijan towards the preservation of religious and cultural monuments inside the sovereign territory of Azerbaijan and throughout many capital cities of Western Europe, Asia and in the Americas."

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