Over 500 tons of humanitarian aid sent to Türkiye via BTK after quake, says Consul General

After the earthquake in Türkiye, 510 tons of humanitarian aid consisting of 25 wagons were sent through the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars (BTK) railway, freight trains between Azerbaijan and Türkiye are now operating regularly, Nuru Guliyev, Consul General of Azerbaijan in Kars, Türkiye, told Report.

Nuru Guliyev said that since the February 6 earthquake, the Consulate General has operated in an enhanced mode.

Guliyev said that since the first day, all consulates, including the embassy, have started working in different directions and the employees of the Consulate General in Kars have been working at the border crossing points until now: "Our support, in this case, was to ensure the transition of our citizens, whose evacuation was planned, to Azerbaijan. Most did not have documents, so we provided them with identification documents and supported their evacuation from the border crossing point.

"We met the cargo train from Azerbaijan at the Kars Railway station and then sent it to Kayseri so that it could be transported to the quake-hit regions by road transport. Like other humanitarian aid sent by Azerbaijan, the humanitarian freight train was received with great appreciation."

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