OSCE PA Vice-President urges end to hostilities on Armenian-Azerbaijani border

In light of the armed clashes between Armenia and Azerbaijan, OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Vice-President and Special Representative on South Caucasus Pere Joan Pons has joined international calls for an immediate and lasting ceasefire, as well as for Armenia and Azerbaijan to return to negotiations to prevent the loss of further lives, Report informs.

“Our Assembly is following with great concern the armed clashes at the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Military actions must cease and both countries should return to the path of constructive talks for the conclusion of a comprehensive peace treaty. These ongoing clashes do not just harm any progress made over the past two years but have already needlessly cost the lives of over one hundred persons, including civilians, from both Armenia and Azerbaijan,” Pons stated.

Pere Joan Pons was elected Vice-President of the Assembly at the 2022 Annual Session in Birmingham and he was appointed Special Representative on South Caucasus in July 2022 by President Margareta Cederfelt.

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