OSCE MG Co-Chair: Most concerning is the losses suffered by the civilian population

Baku. 23 March. REPORT.AZ/ Final solution to the Nagorno Karabakh conflict is main priority for OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs.

Report informs, the US Co-Chair OSCE Minsk Group James Warlick told in his interview to Voice of America.

According to him, the attempts of ceasefire violation is a cause of great concern, but the most concerning is the losses suffered by the civilian population: 'We condemn the use of heavy artillery', said Warlick.

Also, the Co-Chair spoke about the Royce-Sherman letter, which calls placement of devices to detect the direction of the fire as well as of co-chairs to effectively monitor the ceasefire.

James Warlick said that co-chairs support all proposals aimed at obtaining the consent of the parties and strengthening the ceasefire. 

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