Ombudsman: World should know that illegal exploitation in Azerbaijani territories threatens region

“The world should know that illegal exploitation in our territories threatens the region,” Sabina Aliyeva, the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsperson) of Azerbaijan, who is on a visit to Turkiye, told Report.

She said that as a result of the occupation by Armenia, the rights of Azerbaijanis have been violated in various directions for many years, and the institute she heads regularly appealed to the international community and ombudspersons operating in different countries and gave information about this: “You know that many war crimes have been committed in the ancient lands of Azerbaijan. Even today, illegal exploitation is carried out in our territories recognized by international law. Of course, this is a great threat to Azerbaijan and the entire region. I believe that many non-governmental organizations, environmentalists, and other relevant institutions operating worldwide should support our peaceful protesters.”

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