Official Baku: Armenia should be held accountable for violation of international law

Violation of international law by the Armenian side will be considered not only in the International Court of Justice of the United Nations but also in other international structures so that Armenia will be held accountable for its illegal actions, Deputy Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan Elnur Mammadov said, commenting on the decision of the International Court of Justice made the day before.

According to Report, Mammadov recalled that first, Azerbaijan filed a claim with the European Court of Human Rights, while Armenia did the same, following Azerbaijan.

"Considerations in international courts last for years," the deputy minister said.

According to him, the International Court of Justice is the second instance where Azerbaijan applied.

"To divert attention from its aggressive policy, Armenia filed a complaint with the UN International Court of Justice, where it brought groundless accusations against Azerbaijan," Mammadov said.

On December 7, International Court of Justice secured Azerbaijan's petition for temporary measures to prohibit the propaganda of racial hatred by Armenia, including individuals and organizations operating on the territory of Armenia whose activity is directed against Azerbaijanis.

The court reasonably instructed the Armenian side to take urgent measures to prevent the violation of the human rights of Azerbaijanis. The decision was made after court hearings held on October 14-19, 2021.

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