Mustafa Sentop says Azerbaijani -Turkish relations have no analogues in world

"Turkey is one of the first countries in Central Asia to recognize the independence of all Turkic states. At the same time, we were the first to establish diplomatic relations with those countries and open embassies. We always take all steps to develop and strengthen friendly and fraternal ties," the Speaker of the Turkish Grand National Assembly (TBMM) Mustafa Sentop told journalists in Shusha.

The Speaker of the Parliament said that the relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey have no analogues in the world:

"This was beautifully expressed by the late great leader Heydar Aliyev with the words "one nation, two states." Of course, everyone saw that this idea was not just a slogan. The material and moral support provided by Turkey to Azerbaijan during the last 44 days of the Patriotic War proved once again the truth of that word. The 'Shusha Declaration' signed by the Presidents of Azerbaijan and Turkey in Shusha about a month ago reached a very high point in interstate relations."

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