MP credits Azerbaijani president for pulling ex-Armenian leader to pieces

“On October 3, 2020, thanks to the heroism of the Azerbaijani Army, Sugovushan settlement and Talish village of Tartar District were liberated from the occupation of the hated enemies. The liberation of Sugovushan settlement, which was liberated from the enemy as a result of a successful operation of the Azerbaijani Army, violated all the plans of the occupying country, both militarily and strategically. I think that with the liberation of the strategically important Sugovushan, we have further strengthened our position," Report says, citing MP Javid Osmanov.

According to him, the liberation of Sugovushan also put an end to the enemy's strikes on Tartar: "Thus, Azerbaijan has taken control of strategic roads and heights, a large number of enemy forces were isolated."

The MP noted that a year later, President, Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev toured Sugovushan settlement and Talish village and hoisted the Azerbaijani flag there, which is both of historic and symbolic nature.

“During his visit to Tartar, the president attended the opening ceremony of the Sugovushan-1 and Sugovushan-2 small hydroelectric power stations after reconstruction. I think that the rapid restoration process in Sugovushan shows the will of the Azerbaijani president and the growing economic might of our state. I would also like to note that during the battles, the Armenian invaders dismantled the useful spare parts of the 4.8-megawatt Sugovushan-1 and 3-megawatt Sugovushan-2 small hydroelectric power stations, and destroyed what they could not take.

“This again shows their character. After the reconstruction, Sugovushan-1 and Sugovushan-2 small hydroelectric power stations will play an important role in supplying electricity to the liberated areas, especially Sugovushan and Talish settlements. At the same time, the opening of highways to Sugovushan settlement and Talish village of Tartar, laying the foundation of the Talish-Tapgaragoyunlu-Gashalti-Naftalan highway is a real example of Azerbaijan's work to create modern road infrastructure in the liberated territories in a short time.”

Osmanov said that the Khojali executioner, Serzh Sargsyan, who has blood of innocent Azerbaijanis on his hand, did not give up his misdeeds and made revanchist statements.

“I should also note that Serzhik admitted in one of his recent interviews that he was one of the perpetrators of the massacre of the Azerbaijani civilian population, including the Khojali genocide. President Ilham Aliyev once again warned Serzhik and others like him:

"We were close to hold him by the ear. He also learnt from somewhere and escaped from Khankandi and settled in Yerevan. In the latest parliamentary elections, he failed to get even five percent of the votes. You see, how much the Armenian people hate this creature that they even voted for the government that was guilty in the war, not for him. That is why, I am saying again, look, I am here, I am in Sugovushan, I am in Shusha, I am in Hadrut, I am in Khojavand, I am everywhere. Where are you?! In the hell, together with the buried status. Well, it's over, it's over.

“By saying these words, I am not responding to only an element that opens his ugly mouth and utters nonsense, who smells naphthalene. I appeal to people like him all over Armenia, to all those, who live with revanchist feelings – come to your senses. The iron fist is here, it has not gone anywhere, it is in place. Do not get on our nerves, behave well. If you behave well, you can live calmly. If there is any provocation, statement, action against us again, we will crush your head without looking at anyone. No one can defend you.”

With these words, the Azerbaijani president once again showed to a creature, like Serzhik, his place and revealed who he is. I would also like to note that the Armenian people know that Serzhik is a hypocrite, a mean, corrupt, a thief of canned stewed meat, and is cursed by them. Serzhik must come to his senses and refrain from making bizarre statements about Azerbaijan. Otherwise, the iron fist will be felt on his head again.”

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