Mother of Azerbaijani arrested in Iran: No significant difference in replacement of charges against Farid

Judges have intensified pressure on Farid Safarli, Dilara Asgarova, the mother of Farid Safarli, an Azerbaijani citizen arrested in Iran, told Report.

She said there is no significant difference in the replacement of charges against her son.

Dilara Asgarova expressed serious concern about her son’s condition.

She noted that when she last talked to her son, she felt the tension caused by pressure on him.

Farid's mother stressed that her son’s requests for a lawyer in the neighboring country were not met: “The judges put pressure on him and say that if he pleads guilty, he will be mitigated. In addition, the Iranian side does not provide him with an interpreter, since Farid speaks Persian a little. He knows the language on a basic level and can communicate with inmates. But it doesn't mean that Farid knows legal terms and can fully express himself in court.”

She stressed that there is no significant difference in replacing Farid’s charge of ‘espionage’ with the charge of ‘attempted espionage.’

“Punishment on both charges can be severe. I don’t think that any mitigating decision will be made. We are very concerned about this. Farid was given time until August 3 for the last word,” Asgarova concluded.

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