Foreign Ministers of Azerbaijan and France hold phone conversation

On October 19, 2020, a telephone conversation took place between the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Jeyhun Bayramov, and Foreign Minister of France, Jean Yves Le Drian. The sides exchanged views on the current situation in the region.

Report informs referring to the Press Service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Minister Jeyhun Bayramov informed the French Foreign Minister of the violation of humanitarian ceasefire by Armenia's armed forces for the second time after the formal declaration of the truce. He noted that intensive shelling of the Azerbaijani positions and an attempt to attack in the directions of Fuzuli, Jabrayil and Hadrut regions openly shows that Armenia is ignorant of the ceasefire and aims to regain the positions in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan.

Minister emphasized that violation of humanitarian ceasefire shows the disinclination of the Armenian Republic to its commitments under international humanitarian law.

Minister Jean Yves Le Drian stressed the importance of implementing the humanitarian ceasefire and noted the necessity of substantial negotiations without delay under the auspices of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs.

Minister Jeyhun Bayramov emphasized that Armenia's leadership bears responsibility for this war crime. He added that the withdrawal of all Armenian armed forces from the occupied territories of Azerbaijan in accordance with the UN Security Council's related resolutions is necessary for ensuring peace in the region.

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