MFA: Russia welcomes meeting on Azerbaijan-Armenia border delimitation

Russia welcomes the meeting on the delimitation of the border between Azerbaijan and Armenia, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova said at a briefing on December 6, Report informs.

She noted that Russia is ready to provide the necessary cartographic materials for delimiting the Armenian-Azerbaijani border.

“For our part, we [Russia] are ready to provide all possible assistance in the course of direct delimitation activities. This also includes providing the necessary cartographic materials. In particular, this was confirmed yesterday by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov during a meeting with his Azerbaijani counterpart on the sidelines of the Caspian “five” Ministerial Council,” she said.

On November 30, the fifth meeting of the commission on delimitation of the state border between Azerbaijan and Armenia was held on the border between Azerbaijan and Armenia, chaired by Deputy Prime Minister of Azerbaijan Shahin Mustafayev and Deputy Prime Minister of Armenia Mher Grigoryan.

Zakharova added that during the fifth meeting of the commission on delimitation of the state border between Azerbaijan and Armenia, the parties agreed on methodological and organizational issues in preparation for practical work on delimitation.

Zakharova also noted that within the trilateral working group of the Russian Federation, Azerbaijan and Armenia on unblocking transport communications, co-chaired by the deputy prime ministers, significant progress has been achieved.

“If there is political will on both sides, we could quickly complete the work on agreeing on specific projects and launch substantive activities. We believe that further delays in reaching agreements within the trilateral working group will work against the interests of the countries of the region, including against the interests of Armenia,” she added.

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