MFA: Pelosi's baseless and unfair accusations against Azerbaijan are unacceptable

"The statement made by the Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, during her visit to Armenia on September 18, 2022, which distorts the situation in the region, is deeply regrettable. The groundless and unfair accusations made by Nancy Pelosi against Azerbaijan are unacceptable," the Foreign Affairs Ministry of Azerbaijan said in a statement, Report informs.

The ministry noted that the incident that occurred at the non-delimited conventional border on the night of September 12 to September 13, 2022, was a large-scale military provocation by Armenia against Azerbaijan, and this provocation was prevented by the Azerbaijan Armed Forces and the protection of the country's sovereignty and territorial integrity was ensured.

"Currently, the ceasefire regime is maintained and the escalation of the situation has been prevented. All responsibility for the escalation of the situation in the region and large-scale provocation lies with the military and political leadership of Armenia.

In general, Nancy Pelosi is known as a pro-Armenian politician, and the presence of pro-Armenian members of Congress in her delegation openly demonstrates this. Taking into account that the period of mid-term elections to the Congress in the United States is approaching, it seems that Nancy Pelosi is using this visit to gain the support of the Armenian lobby circles in the United States and for her internal political agenda."

The Azerbaijani ministry stated that it is unacceptable to transfer the political intrigues and lobbying interests of the internal political agenda of the USA through Armenia to the South Caucasus region.

"We regretfully emphasize that Nancy Pelosi, who speaks of justice, purposefully, has not demonstrated any position regarding Armenia's policy of aggression against Azerbaijan, occupation of Azerbaijani territories for nearly 30 years, ethnic cleansing of hundreds of thousands of Azerbaijanis, and other such grave crimes for which Armenia is responsible.

What Nancy Pelosi said in Armenia should be evaluated as a statement made on the basis of Armenian propaganda. This is a serious blow to the efforts made toward normalizing relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Such one-sided steps and baseless statements serve not to strengthen the fragile peace in the region, but rather to increase the tension."

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