Mahmud Mammadguliyev will represent Azerbaijan in Nicosia and Istanbul meetings

Sofia. 18 May. REPORT.AZ/ Azerbaijan will be represented at 127th session of Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe to be held in Nicosia, Cyprus.

Azerbaijani Deputy Foreign Minister Mahmud Mammadguliyev told Report’s Eastern European bureau.

He noted that from Cyprus he will travel to Istanbul to attend meeting of foreign ministers of Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) to be held on May 21. “From Bulgaria I will travel to Nicosia and will take part at the session of Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe. Then I will go to Istanbul. There I will join meeting of foreign ministers of member states of the organization.”

Summit of heads of states on the occasion of 25th anniversary of BSEC will be held on May 22. Turkey currently chairs the organization.

Notably, M.Mammadguliyev has a trip to Bulgaria to attend the conference “Bulgaria-Azerbaijan: 25 years of diplomatic relations. Bilateral partnership and multilateral perspectives”. 

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