Korotchenko: Azerbaijan-Russia relations - example for others

Relations between Azerbaijan and Russia are an example and a model in the modern world, Russian military expert, editor-in-chief of the Natsionalnaya Oborona (National Defense) magazine Igor Korotchenko told the Russian bureau of Report during the round table meeting “Russia and Azerbaijan - Friendship, Cooperation and Respect” held in Moscow.

“In this new, modern, changing world, Moscow and Baku are an example and model for interstate relations. The foundation of these relations was laid by national leader Heydar Aliyev, an outstanding statesman. The name of this politician is associated with the revival of Azerbaijan and the formation of Azerbaijani statehood. The strengthening of Azerbaijani-Russian relations in the field of diplomacy, culture, politics and economics was continued by the current leader of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev. Not only due to effective policy, efficient use of natural resources, Azerbaijan has taken its rightful place among the leading world countries, but also thanks to the leadership qualities of the President of Azerbaijan,” Korotchenko said.

The expert also commented on the situation in the region: “The issue of settling the situation in the South Caucasus remains unresolved. The long-term conflict is a thing of the past, after which, thanks to the signed agreements, a new reality was created. We are talking about the tripartite statement of the leaders of Azerbaijan, Russia and Armenia dated November 10, 2020, The Moscow and Sochi agreements are at the highest level, but Yerevan shows no desire to move forward.”

“It is also important to resolve the issue of delimitation and demarcation of the Armenian-Azerbaijani border. We hope that these agreements will not be violated once again by the current authorities of Armenia,” Korotchenko said.

He reminded about the need to continue work as part of the regional platform “3+3.” But in his words, the speedy launch of the Zangazur corridor, which will connect the main territory of Azerbaijan with Nakhchivan, is necessary.

“It is necessary to reach a full-fledged format for concluding a peace treaty between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Moscow is ready to assist in this matter,” Korotchenko said.

The expert expressed hope that the Azerbaijani-Russian relations will continue to develop, including in the cultural and humanitarian spheres. He noted that Moscow is interested in this.

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